The new and upcoming way of travelling to university is in the company of mates and making a statement. These days, the rage is to get to university through a university carpooling clone. Student just need to book a seat from the various ride sharing listing available on the site, sit back and relax or enjoy a banter with the rest of the students. The clone is becoming very popular with students who do not have a vehicle.
Share a Car and Study with Mates
A platform for making friends and study mates is created by carpooling whilst going to university. Project discussions and revision can all be done on the way to University in the comfort of a car. Talking with mates always help make things a lot clearer and help clear any cobwebs.
Easy, Reliable and Efficient Service
The University Carpooling Clone offers an easy and user-friendly service. You can reach college within no time, or maybe even earlier. The selected driver will be at your home or designated pickup point on time, so no time is wasted on waiting. A fun filled way to go to college and make friends, the service is just a click away.
Why you should buy University Carpooling Clone
With the innovation of the university carpooling clone, a whole new business world opens up for you. The following points make it the perfect business solution for you.
- The clone needs very little investment.
- The owner of the site earns a set commission whenever a driver lists his car.
- He also gets a commission when a student books a ride.
- A perfectly automated system, no wheeling and dealing with cash. The system is integrated to accept Pay Pal and credit card payments.
- The driver stands to benefit too as he gets his petrol paid for, with maybe some left over. He also saves on parking costs.
Other Addons for the Riders
When you buy university ride sharing script, you create a completely new way of travelling for the students.
- The rider can reach university in style, in a car and in the company of friends
- He gets to pay the smallest price for a great door to door service
- The destination and pick up point can be present, so the riders know exactly what route they will be
travelling . - Makes student travelling seamless and easy, with the service that is very efficient.
There are many companies these days that are in the business of designing clones and you need to do your research well before choosing the one that will make you a millionaire. Reputed companies will make sure that you are comfortable and up and running before they say goodbye. They also offer support for minor bugs, maybe for a year or lifetime depending on the contract you have with them. They will customize your site according to your requirements at a very nominal charge. Make sure you get all this and more from the company you decide to buy from.