No one really likes to fall ill but we all do at some point in time. Matters become worse when we cannot get a doctor’s appointment immediately. That means that your illness is lengthened. You need to take many off sick days and depending on the type of ailment, there may be other issues that will arise due to the lack of immediate treatment. If we want to see a doctor urgently to avoid being absent from work or school if it is the children who are will, we usually end up in the Emergency Room at the nearest hospital. That means a wait depending on the gravity of your illness. All this is now coming to an end, thanks to Uber for doctors.
What is uber for doctors?
It is an on demand doctor app that allows patients to seek medical help immediately at a venue of their choices. In short, we are going back to the time when doctors made home visits. Only in this case we use smart technology to summon and choose a doctor.
Doctors registered on the app can usually treat illnesses like flu, conjunctivitis, fever, urinary tract infections, migraines, allergies, antenatal checkups, postnatal checkups and similar minor illnesses that do not require laboratory tests, hospital admittance or the operating theater. The only thing you need to do is to download the app on your smartphone.
How it works
Once you have downloaded the app, you need to register on it. Add your personal details, including details of your payment card. Once registered, you can use the app anytime you feel ill. The app provides a facility whereby once you input details of your illness. Then you will be able to see the huge number of doctors who are local to you and can treat your illness. You can go through their credentials and profiles before selecting the one you think is most suited to treat you. You also have a choice of male or female doctors.
The selected doctor will come to your premise on demand or at a time that you have requested and treat you. On completing the visit, he will indicate on the app that the treatment has been completed. Thus, the payment will be automatically deducted from your payment card.
If you are happy or unhappy, with the service as the case may be sometimes, the ratings and reviews facility allows you to provide voice your thoughts about the doctor and his service.
Advantages of on demand doctor apps
These apps will lessen the burden on the Casualty Departments of all hospitals. It ensures that people with chronic health issues are tended to properly at the hospital. It is a great way of treating patients who really do not need in office care. Young kids usually fall in this category as they are prone to have the same infection over and over again or seasonal flus that just need an antihistamine or a jab. It also helps to save time as far as both parties are concerned.
The very lucrative Doctor on demand business
If you are on the lookout for a quick way of making a few bucks then this app is ideal for you. All you need to do is make an investment on the app, get it customized according to your geographical location and requirements and away you go. For every patient treated through your app, you get a percentage commission. Think of how many people fall ill every day against the number of commissions you stand to gain. Isn’t that enough reason to get your uber for doctors app today and go into the noble business of helping to treat people quickly?