uber android app clone

Every day you hear or read about female molestation and harassment, if not locally then somewhere in the world. It is even more horrendous when the female in question is a teenager. Women all over the world are vary of travelling on their own and the scared of getting in a taxi. What happens when a woman has to travel alone for whatever reason? On the other hand, your teenage daughter wants to go out on the tiles. She will have to come home in a taxi, where most of the times the driver is a male. To solve this international problem, I think we women need to get together and uberise our world so that our daughters and we can travel safely. Let’s get our Uber Android App Clone and start the female Uber Revolution

My idea is along the lines of having an on demand taxi whereby Female run it only, from the owner to the driver and of course the passengers. There is a huge demand for such taxis all over the world but there are very few “female only” taxis.

If you ask around, there will be a lot of women who will own up to the fact that they are uncomfortable sending their daughters out at night or even themselves are reluctant to go out and party. By having a “female only” on demand taxi service, you also open a whole world of opportunities to women who are mothers, homemakers and not working.

Women Drivers for Uber Android App Clone

There are many women with spare time on their hands when their children are at school. These women would happily jump at the chance of being able to earn a bob or two in their spare time whilst still running their household.

The beauty of working as a driver is that these women can decide what hours they want to work, and also decide whether they want to work on a particular day or not. They busy on a certain day or ill and cannot work, they can log off from the app become “unavailable”.

Any female entrepreneur venturing into such business by making that decision to Buy Uber Android App Script will ensure that her drivers have passed all the security checks and have the relevant paperwork before being allowed to drive. This is very important because these women drivers will also be in demand to pick up children. It is important to ensure that they have passed the necessary security checks.

Would Women Feel Secure if they Rode in an Uber Android App Clone Taxi Driven by a Female?

It goes without saying that the world will feel more secure for women travelers if their driver was a female. Females tend to instill trust that no man can. Women are social creatures and they bond well with other women. I would not hesitate to let my daughter go out if I knew that a female driver would drive her. Children also feel more secure with women drivers. Women are careful drivers so there is no need to worry about careless driving. All women are responsible and they would not take any unnecessary risks to put either themselves or you in jeopardy.

The Taxi business on the whole

The scope of the taxi business is tremendous these days. The terms of travel and business have vastly become dependent on travel. Today, people don’t just travel for pleasure. They travel for business; travel for medical assistance and so on and so forth. This is why the need for travel is not restricted to a particular region.

Tourist destination or not, taxis are needed everywhere. But all places on this earth aren’t the same. The level of safety isn’t the same everywhere. This is why adding unique features such as female-only rides are very important.

The basic purpose of any business is to make money. You will only be able to make money if you can “sell” your application as the best available option in the market. In order to do that you have to add new and unique features that make the user feel like you are actually the best and that you have their best interests at heart.

In order for this to be true, please make sure that you market your application well. Speak about your positive features. Make sure that people know about how you are making them safer. To do this you can either use local marketing in terms of putting up banners and hoardings and giving ads in the print media. Apart from this, you also lay adequate emphasis on SEO practices.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.

This is basically the process that optimizes your website for being ranked higher up in every internet search. You can do this by publishing various blogs and articles on the internet.  Also, use various forums to release press announcements to ensure that your word is going around.

If you do not drive and still want to be part of the female Uber revolution, all you need to do is actually start it, just by investing in the Uber android app clone. You can sit back and think about the wonderful service you are providing to the fairer sex and their children. That you get paid for it too, by way of a commission every passenger who books the ride through your app. So what do you say? Is the Uber Android App Clone for women by women ideal for you or not?




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